Committee on Curriculum and Student Progress (CCSP): Eligibility & Professionalism Subcommittee

The BA/MD Committee on Curriculum and Student Progress (CCSP), Eligibility & Professionalism (E&P) subcommittee, composed of College of Arts and Sciences and School of Medicine faculty, is responsible for monitoring student progress and eligibility for the program, as well as for adjudicating policies, regulations, standards, and procedures that apply to the BA/MD Program and its students. The CCSP Eligibility & Professionalism subcommittee will review the status of each student on a semester basis—or as needed—to determine whether or not the student is meeting the requirements for continuous eligibility. In addition, this subcommittee will make decisions regarding student eligibility and student program standings in the BA/MD Program. CCSP Eligibility & Professionalism subcommittee decisions affect a student’s status in the program, but the CCSP has no jurisdiction over a student’s status in the university as a whole.